In his days on earth Jesus healed only with the power of the son but after the resurrection he heals with the power of the father!
Jesus took all sickness and disease on the cross. He bore all our sin and bodily illness. He has begone to work as a healer until today with the help of God. Christian Healing is
the subject of my life. First appears my German website Integrated in "JESUS HEALS" is my study about authority of the believer. This website is partly translation, summary and
revision of both of them. Authority (German: "Vollmacht") of the believer is today integrated in "christlicheheilung".
"C.H.Engl." means "ChristianHealing". "ChristianHealing" is the some as "Jesusheals". No one Christian is able to heal but Jesus.
The real subjekt of the website is "FAITH". Healing is only a part of faith. Everybody who is looking for healing needs faith. Without faith there is no healing. The page "FAITH" is a first attempt of definition.
By Sripture passages will be sometimes used: The Holy Bible: New International Version 1984. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. Abbreviation: NIV. Always the Greek text will be compared. Also is compared the King James Version (Abbreviation KJV) but usually I will offer my own translation.
JHWH is used for the four Hebrew letters, in English often expressed "Yahweh", in translations "LORD".
The Septuagint (translation of Latin "seventy"; because of this the usual abbreviation is "LXX") means the old Greek bible. Very important it was as Greek translation of the Hebrew bible and often used by writers of NT.
I beg your pardon, because the website is still under construction.
Link "ChristlicheHeilung" (German):
Link "Jesusheilt" (German):
No one should look for the Kingdom of God in the future, the kingdom of God is already here.
"Authority" is a gift, Jesus gave to his disciples.
All sickness is work of the devil. But the authority of the believer, given from Jesus, is able to destroy this work.
See, I am JHWH, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me? (Jeremiah 32:27)
There is no limitation to JHWH to save, whether by many or by few. (1 Samuel 14:6)
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